Our policy of “use it or lose it” does not provide for pro-rated fees for monthly contracts. Since the monthly contract is calculated at a discounted rate (the average cost per visit is $18 for a 30-minute, 5-day monthly contract walk, depending on the number of dogs) and you pay for the monthly contract at the beginning of the month, we do not credit back any payment for walks that are not used. In a situation where you know ahead of time that you will be not be needing all your walks in the coming month, we can check to see if it would be less expensive for you to pay for visits individually as opposed to the monthly contract, but you must notify the office before the 1st of the month about this arrangement.
You are not committed or tied to your monthly contract, so if it’s less expensive for you to switch to a flex pack of visits for the month you don’t need as many visits, we are happy to make that switch – as long as it’s been done before the 1st of the month.
Posted in: Scheduling